Muppets Rule, Translation Projects, Gunnm (Battle Angel) Memories of Mars

This video is worth 1 min of your life. Trust me. Watch it.

I realize I haven't posted in forever. Just haven't felt like it. I've been busy translating though. I finished a first draft of the script for Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R for the Game Boy. I also just made it to 75% complete on a first draft translation of the Welcome to Pia Carrot 2 script.

In addition to that Esperknight has been helping me cross additional items off my bucket list like "translate more PC-FX games". I'm continuing to work on Team Innocent for the PC-FX which is a load of fun to translate and super awesome to boot.

Not only that but just the other day he dumped a script for my number #1 most wanted Playstation translation project: Gunnm: Memories of Mars (Martian Memory). This is my equivalent to James Cameron directing the Battle Angel movie. It's my chance to bring more Battle Angel/Gunnm awesomeness to an English speaking audience. I can't thank EK enough for working on this project with me and I'm really excited to get to work on it once I've tidied up some of the other projects we are working on.


translation site!

Gunnm Martian Memory fan translation site!

Any news?

Any news about your Gunnm: Memories of Mars translation project ?
I'm a huge fan, can't play the game in Japanese and I want to speedrun it maybe.
Hope you see this :)

It is my pleasure Deepflow.

It is my pleasure Deepflow. Glad to hear that you're looking forward to the project! The sad truth is that it will probably be a while before we really get started on it since I'm translating so much other stuff, but it's definitely a high priority and I can't wait! Nothing good was ever accomplished overnight anyway right? It has been a long standing wish of mine to translate this game and now it's going to come true. It's really encouraging to hear from others like you who are also looking forward to it. Be sure to check back and keep an eye on my translation projects!

Hey there matt ! you're not

Hey there matt !

you're not going to believe how happy i am after reading this

I'm a big fan of gunnm and i really want to understand the story and the dialogues in the game.

good luck with your project matt ^^

am cheering for you and your team xD


PS : I have the game disc in front of me right now :P


Thanks Arshad! Glad to hear you are looking forward to some of my translation projects.

Looking forward to your work,

Looking forward to your work, Matt. Good luck!

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